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10 lessons on longevity from Nonagenarians


Dr Andrew Fisher begins his series of interviews revealing the secrets in attitude and routines of those who have entered their 90's...and are just getting going!

Dr Andrew Fisher ( with an inspiring nonagenarian
Dr Andrew Fisher ( and Mrs BC

At thelongevitydocs we want to encourage habits that will keep you healthy for a lifetime. What better way to learn than from those who have already achieved great length of life.

This is the first of a series of posts over the next year in which I plan to bring their hard earned lessons to you in a digestible format.

In these lessons on longevity from nonagenarian, I will focus on daily routines, dietary practices, any supplements regularly taken and most crucially, outlook upon life.

1. lessons on longevity from nonagenarians-Mrs BC

Morning routine

Breathing and stretching exercises before breakfast to start the day. Mrs BC does not follow a formal yoga or meditation schedule, but her flexibility is testament to many decades of following a stretching routine!

Dietary Practices

Breakfast is often spelt toast accompanied by fresh fruit. She grows organic fruit and vegetables in her garden and prefers to use these if she can.

Particularly fond of coffee and has multiple cups throughout the morning.

Not vegan or vegetarian, but does not eat large quantities of meat.

She does quite often have a single brandy in the early evening, but dislikes wine and does not drink more than this.

"Never refuse an invitation and never indulge in self pity" – Mrs BC



Vitamin D and K combination

Liquid iron supplement

Multivitamin preparation

Mental and Social Activities

Engages in activities to help others by reading books and making recordings for the blind. In addition Mrs BC helps at the pre-school (children aged 2-4) opposite her house. Still makes occasional visits to London to attend meetings and social engagements

Health Obstacles overcome

Mrs BC has a prosthetic right eye after an infection a number of years ago


Positive, open to engage in new activities and still embracing life- It is clear that Mrs BC continues to work on both her physical and mental health. Her routine has a number of practices that have increasing evidence for maintaining health. Crucially, she achieves consistency; incorporating daily rituals for the mind and body.

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