One of the biggest factors standing in the way of longevity is frailty,
A recent huge meta-analysis study (highest level of data for a clinical study that gives the most significant results) has shown that risk of frailty can be reduced by a Mediterranean diet.
But what is a Mediterranean diet? Listed below are the key dietary pointers to achieving a Mediterranean diet used in this meta-analysis, so try to consider these when you plan your meals...
Every main meal: Incorporate 2 or more servings of vegetables with a variety of colours and textures, olive oil, 1 cereal (preferably wholegrain, can include bread pasta rice etc)
Every day: 1-2 servings of olive is/nuts/seeds, 1-2 servings of herbs/spices/garlic/onions to achieve variety of flavoured. You can also include 2 servings of low fat dairy daily in the Mediterranean diet.
Every week to limit: Less than 3 servings of potatoes, 2 or less servings of sweet treats, less than 2 servings of red meat, avoid processed meats but one or less serving if needs be!
If you are finding it difficult to incorporate this advice into your regime why not book a consultation with so we can provide you with personalise advice and infographics to help!
Dr Andrew Fisher, November 2023